Great communication creates a legacy of trusted, informed and connected communities both inside and outside your organisation.
It’s a noisy world. I want to share stories that make us stop and think, ideas that add to the conversation.
Through my blog, I share a range of ideas and insights on topics from internal communication to human resources, campaigns to organisational development.

CIPR Election 2020
The voting for CIPR Election 2020 is open. There are nominees for President and council, a role that supports the institute, its members and future development. I decided to put myself forward for CIPR’s...
No one likes a sneak
Snooping and sneaking have no place in the workplace, even more so now that the workplace is home for many office workers. I read about this software this week, how it is a thing shows a concerning...
Launch: short internal communication courses
Businesses are facing more internal communication challenges than ever. Keeping remote teams connected, changing behaviours at pace and sustaining that change at a distance, having a confident and bold...
What do you want to keep?
What do you want to keep in our future world of work? Great communication can help you find the answer. We’re at a point where there’s a real push for many to get back into the office to do their...
Ten lessons in ten years
It’s my business anniversary today. Ten years ago, my daughter started her first day at nursery joining her big brother and I headed off to my first meeting as a freelance comms consultant. I had previously...
Little Bird – celebrating ten years
It’s ten years since I created Little Bird Communication. Today is my anniversary. My business has grown alongside my children from their pre-school days to today. Now the kids are at secondary school,...
Work in progress
There’s a lot of debate about the shape of work in the future within the internal communication, employee engagement and HR communities. Whilst the UK government is encouraging a return to normal and aspiring...
CIPR Fellowship
I’m pleased to share some news. I’ve been appointed as a Fellow with my professional body, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) on Wednesday 22 July 2020. For me, it feels like another...
Three things: a visual post
During the school holidays work hours become more wonky than ever for working parents. So this is not a regular post from me as I take a little bit of time out with my family enjoying a different routine....