Category: Freelance

Winter warmers
Winter’s here, Lockdown 2 started on Thursday 5 November 2020 in England, and those of us who can, are working from home as we work through the Covid-19 pandemic. Read my top ten tips on winter working...
Ten lessons in ten years
It’s my business anniversary today. Ten years ago, my daughter started her first day at nursery joining her big brother and I headed off to my first meeting as a freelance comms consultant. I had previously...
Little Bird – celebrating ten years
It’s ten years since I created Little Bird Communication. Today is my anniversary. My business has grown alongside my children from their pre-school days to today. Now the kids are at secondary school,...
Love learning all about communication and engagement?
While writing a blog about continuing professional development (CPD) and professional memberships for communicators this week I had a small revelation about myself. Not only do I love learning, but I actually...
#my3words – human
Human is the last of my three words to cover in this series of blogs. It’s much later than I planned. I’ve been busy learning some new skills and also engrossed with the #insidestory awards...
#my3words – Moment
Yesterday I wrote about #my3words. I’ve chosen these words to guide me for the year ahead and beyond. New Year’s resolutions are made with great intentions, then often discarded by the end of Jan because...
#my3words – Voice
Each new year brings a chance to review, refresh and re-direct your business and your profession. At new year Chris Brogan, CEO of The Media Group invites you to set yourself three words to guide...
Half term. Half work. Half play.
Working for yourself brings a host of benefits, but for me one of the biggest is freedom. Freedom to work around my client and family needs; freedom to direct the shape of my business; freedom to choose...
Absent friends
Wow it’s been a crazy few months. I’ve been working on some really exciting stuff, and just recently enjoyed a bit of quieter time to recharge my batteries. It’s that time which has allowed...