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Happy Christmas

Date: Dec 22 2012

I wish all my clients, PR friends, contacts and all-round brilliant people I’ve worked with this year, a truly sparkling Christmas and a great new year.

2012 seems to be hurtling to a close and what an exciting and eventful year it’s been. Thank you to all of you for making this my most exciting year in freelance PR yet.
I’m really looking forward to working with you more in 2013, and I’m hoping it will be even better than the last.

Instead of sending cards this year, I’m giving to Life Education Wessex. I became an ambassador for the charity earlier this year and I have started to help them raise their profile locally.
It’s a charity close to my heart and I know that the money I save on sending cards will be put to great use helping children make healthy choices as they grow up.
Have a great Christmas everyone, 2013 here we come.