Tag: Voice

Happy Christmas and New Year

I’d like to wish all my clients, colleagues and friends in comms a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year. I’m signing off for the rest of 2017 and back to business on Monday 8 January 2018. I’m...


PRide awards 2017

I’m very pleased to have won a Silver PRide award on 17 November 2017. The category was Outstanding Independent Practitioner, within my CIPR region, the South of England and Channel Islands. I’ve...


I made the shortlist

Back at the end of May early June, I entered the PRide awards for the South of England and Channel Islands. I’m so pleased to say, I’ve been shortlisted for Outstanding Independent Practitioner. This...


smileexpo 17 – my notes

Last Tuesday saw the latest smileexpo event in London (23 May 17) and I was lucky enough to attend. As ever it was a packed agenda, with over 100 people in attendance to chat with too. Here are some of my notes...


Millennials and your business

I was born to boomers, I’m a mother to centennials and a generation X myself. When you consider that our sense of ‘purpose’ is defined by the time we are 13, it’s no wonder we all find it hard...


Fear and the damage it causes

Every day people go to work. They turn up, they do what they feel they should do, but not always what they could do. They follow the rules, occasionally with good results, sometimes with OK outcomes,...


Love learning all about communication and engagement?

While writing a blog about continuing professional development (CPD) and professional memberships for communicators this week I had a small revelation about myself. Not only do I love learning, but I actually...


Getting Chartered

At the end of January I put myself through a rigorous Chartered Assessment day. No one made me do it. No one paid for me to do it. I did it for myself to prove something to myself. What is it? The CIPR...


Little Bird is branching out

It’s been over six years since I started my comms consultancy. And for much of that time I’ve been working with CIPR Inside providing communication consultancy, running the #insidestory awards and continually...