Where did Little Bird Communication come from?
From my very early working life, before university, I wondered why bosses didn’t just ask the people doing the work how they would make improvements. Why don’t leaders listen better to understand more? Admittedly I was naïve and perhaps a bit idealistic, but that niggle stayed with me. Through my night school business classes while running two busy restaurants, to my move to university and my placement year, the niggle grew. It’s partly what drove me to do my degree in public relations and ignited my interest in communication, especially at the gritty end: how people do their jobs and how we communicate at work.
Listening seems simple, but is hard to do well
In my various in-house communication jobs in different industries, the same problem persisted; communication was letting people and organisations down. Some things just didn’t work properly. Staff on the front line could see it, and often they knew how to fix it, but leaders didn’t ask and employees didn’t share their ideas. I saw it as a wasted opportunity. It sowed the seed in my mind that great communication can make work better for everyone. We need to be listening better to understand more.
Helping organisations listen better
So, when my time was right, Little Bird Communication was hatched based on the premise of uncovering the subtle but important communication issues that challenge the success of organisations.
I now work with a range of businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes, driven by a desire for knowledge and to do better. I’m dedicated to providing clarity, delivering creative and quality communication that builds lasting connections and trust in my clients’ organisations. I help organisations listen to their people and give their people the opportunity to share their experiences openly. It’s simple yet so effective.